Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Other uses

Storage of "over flow" fastenings, this tray has a lid system and note the long box made out of a cereal box to store long stuff. Some of my boxes are deeper than normal so larger bits such as bearing can be stored while work proceeds . The closed lid both on the box and the tray helps to keep dirt out. System of 12 awaiting filling, always before I start a job get a whole system ready, since then I have never lost a bolt or a part while taking vehicles apart, plus the oil and grease resistance helps. In vechicle restoration sometimes stuff needs to be stored for months at a time.
Whole lids and tops cut off, plus the right sided one just the side used, here drills which can go rusty are stored in an oil bath, some have lasted over 15 years. Useful to store such things a lathe cutters under oil, keeps the edges sharp.

Use in Stack on tool chests, to store small items and make good dividers, note the nut spinners stored in a polystyrene block, the open box keeps it altogether. The ladies eye brush is used to clean out dies, handy things they are. The boxes (no lids) are stuck down using double sided tape.

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